Ray Goodlass

Rays peace activism

Month: April, 2013

Palestine presentation at Greens state meeting in Wagga

Co-presented a political discussion on Palestine with Greens Senator Lee Rhiannon Greens state meeting in Wagga last Saturday. It went well. I’m pleased that the Greens provided me with this opportunity and also pleased that I’m able to create opportunities to ‘act as an ambassador for Palestine’, as I undertook to do as I left the Peace Camp in Bethlehem at the beginning of January.

The entire Greens meeting, which we, the Riverina Greens, hosted and I organised, also went well. The business of the agenda was well and productively conducted, catering was great, and socially it was very successful. Good PR for us, and thanks to Jenny, George and William for catering, Kevin at the registration desk, and Ros for our local group report as our Convenor. 

Local Greens stuff plus the latest Ben Zygier (seeming) cover-up

Tonight (Friday 26 April) looking forward to Greens MP Cate Faehrmann’s free public lecture at 5.30 on ‘Dying with Dignity’ bill at the Commercial Club, Gurwood Street, Wagga.

The at the weekend we, the Riverina Greens, are hosting the Greens NSW State Delegates’ Council in Wagga Wagga. Should keep me busy and on my toes.

Interesting to hear that the Israeli’s aren’t bringing any charges against anyone over the suicide of ‘Prisoner X’, the bi-national Ben Zygier spy.  Looks rather like they are covering up Mossad’s mistakes.

Xenophobic and dog-whistle politics

Ominous rumblings from the Coalition, Alan Jones, Peers Ackerman etc., and the Americans, about refugees as terrorists, given that the Boston bombers are Chechnyan migrant refugees. Hope this doesn’t lead to a right wing anti-refugee bout of xenophobia, though I fear, from media reports this weekend, that it is already happening. Once again, all the more reason to work hard against such blatant racism and dog-whistle politics..

Refugee volunteering plus volunteer gardening at Erin Earth

I’ve just had an email advising me that the Refugee Settlement Program run by the Multicultural Council and Vinnie’s has received my police check volunteering clearance and has offered me a project of mentoring an Afghani family to settle into Wagga. This is great news, and it is one of the volunteer projects I’m keenest to undertake.

But today being Thursday, as ever, a day I always look forward to, volunteer gardening at Erin Earth, an environmental education centre.


Sail in Solidarity

I’ve booked for the Parliamentary Friends of Palestine ‘Sail in Solidarity’ Sydney Harbour cruise on 2 May to raise funds for a boat to break Israeli blockade of Gaza. The aim is to fund the re-building of a boat to take Palestinian goods through the Israeli blockade, which has cut off all trade between Gaza and the outside world, with the result that 80% of Gaza’s population is now dependent on UN aid. It is being dubbed ‘Gaza’s Ark’. As well as having Palestinian goods on board it will have Palestinians and Internationals on board as it tries to break the blockade. It is good to be doing something else to help bring about a Just Peace, however small.

Be the Change

As my bout of shingles is slowly healing, yesterday I attended the first Wagga ‘Be the Change’ symposium. Its a new-ish world wide non-hierarchical organisation promoting environmental, social justice and spirituality issues, inspired by the Pachamama Alliance, originating in the Amazon and the Achuar people’s struggle against exploitative oil interests. Very worthwhile, even inspirational, and I aim to become as involved as I can. As I learn more about it and become more involved I’ll post more comments